Conquer Your Read Aloud
Recently I've been learning and reviewing a lot of information about conducting a read-aloud successfully. From podcasts to reading, from reviewing notes and conferring with my great thinking partner Renee, I knew I had to reflect on this exceptional topic here~ Please visit Read. Write. Think. With Renee on Youtube to learn more about her and the amazing work she does with classroom teachers as they navigate through Readers' Workshop. For me, a read-aloud has always been a part of my classroom literacy lessons. What I've been confirming is the importance (and more recently vital necessity) of exposing students to stories and hearing them out loud. Episode 8, November 2019 of The Reading Teacher's Lounge podcast was a clear reminder that selecting books is a notable part of a read-aloud. Educators need to rely on each other for title suggestions and testimony for a book's theme, topic, etc., that can be used. We serve as each others' greatest resource. With...