
Showing posts from February, 2024

Teacher Leadership: Reflection Take-aways from the KDP Delta Rho Teacher Leadership Development Summit

Hello fellow teacher friends! Who is fired up from the KDP Delta Rho Teacher Leadership Development Summit this weekend? I know I am! Every moment was filled with high energy, enthusiasm, and words of wisdom from those who have experience being teachers, and leaders, and I learned so much from the amazing presenters, panelists, and keynotes we had.  Teacher Leadership... two words mean so much! I still feel that there isn't an exact definition, although each time I attend the KDP Delta Rho Summit, I learn more how I personally shape the definition for myself. During the summit we unpacked what it means to be a teacher leader, what qualities leaders in general have, and how to continue to F.E.E.D the teacher leader in ourselves (and others!) Just when I think I know enough about this topic, I continue to learn more. From what I learned yesterday, other great teacher leaders agree lifelong learning plays a large part of who we are as teacher leaders. It's one of the keys to effec

Teacher Leadership Mini-Series: F.E.E.D the Teacher Leader in You! Part #4: Deliver

Greetings fellow teacher leaders! I can't believe I'm saying this but...w e are one week away from the KDP, Delta Rho, Teacher Leadership Development Summit on 2/24/24. If you haven't heard by now, it is a free virtual summit open to all educators everywhere! Please visit my social media for information, or reach out to me! There’s still time to register, so grab all your teacher besties and sign up!  Our theme this year is “Leaders are hungry... F.E.E.D the teacher leader in you!” Each week we have broken down F.E.E.D to get excited to hear our amazing presenters and keynote speakers that will give us the fuel we need to confidently lead in our classrooms, schools, and beyond! With one week left, we only have one last concept to unpack!  So far we talked about “F”- Foundations. Discovering our own definition for teacher leadership is the foundation for growing as a teacher leader, and embracing the role. We then discussed “E”- Engagement, and how it is all about what yo

Teacher Leadership Mini-Series: F.E.E.D the Teacher Leader in You! Part #3: Elevate

Welcome to another week of inSpiration and thinking my friends! Are you ready to elevate yourself as a teacher leader? I know I am... and it's something I'm always looking to do. For me, I can't get enough of personal and professional growth. It's what keeps me both grounded yet motivated to reach for the stars. While some may tell me I take on too much and I need to learn "the balance," others say "let me join you!" I agree that I need to take some time for me and rest, no doubt, but I think if my aspirations are my weakest part of me, then, well, overall I'm doing just fine!  I'm excited that in just two weeks my chapter of KDP will be hosting our Teacher Leadership Development Summit for the second time!  Our theme this year is “Leaders are hungry... F.E.E.D the teacher leader in you!” Each week we have, and will continue to break down F.E.E.D and get excited to hear our amazing presenters and keynote speakers that will give us the fuel we

Teacher Leadership Mini-Series: F.E.E.D the Teacher Leader in You! Part #2: Engagement

Greetings everyone and welcome to my blog this week! I'm so glad you're here for our mini-series leading up to a great event at the end of the month: the KDP, Delta Rho Teacher Leadership Development Summit on 2/24/24. It is a free virtual summit open to all educators everywhere! Please visit my social media for information, or reach out to me! Our theme this year is “Leaders are hungry... F.E.E.D the teacher leader in you!” Each week we will break down F.E.E.D and get excited to hear our amazing presenters and keynote speakers that will give us the fuel we need to confidently lead in our classrooms, schools, and beyond! Last week we talked about “F”- foundations. Discovering our own definition for teacher leadership is the foundation for growing as a teacher leader, and embracing the role. Foundational skills also include knowing yourself as a leader, and believing you are one. Self-reflection, networking and professional learning are great ways to establish your foundation t