
Showing posts from May, 2023 Appreciation Month Part #5

  This month we've celebrated Teacher Appreciation Month by talking about Time, Effort, Actions, Compassion. There is no doubt that teachers encompass all of these traits. For our final week of celebrating together, we can end with H- Humble Humility. I admit I had trouble distinguishing between the two words I wanted to use, and they are very similar. Since I love a good alliteration, I decided since there are no rules here, why not settle for both? This was also settled on the notion that I cannot stress enough how humble teachers are about their work.  I've always been impressed by the humility of my colleagues and all the other educators I've met over the years. From clinical intern students to professors, elementary teachers to the State Teacher of the Year, I've witnessed a wealth of humility from a group of people who are most deserving of all the recognition. Educators are always hyper-focused on their daily work in the classroom along with other tasks they want Appreciation Month, Part #4

Can you believe we've moved through the "T." "E." and "A." in our T.E.A.C.H acronym already? Time is flying by but we still have some left! Last week we focused on A- actions. This week, let's move forward to C- c ompassionate.  Predictably so, compassionate is probably one of the best adjectives used to describe teachers. Teachers nurture and care for their students beyond their academics. "Teacher" is really synonymous with being caring and compassionate because educators are always putting their students' needs before their own. Often times they think about them after school, worry about their safety, and constantly think "how can I be better so he/she learns more?" There's no greater gift than those that come from the heart, even if it's just thoughts.  As much as I could continue to say about the compassionate nature of educators, I'd like to steer in a different direction; let's focus today on the " Appreciation Month, Part #3

  We've been celebratingTeacher Appreciation Month! I've been focusing on the acronym T.E.A.C.H. Each week I've been sharing a word that reflects how wonderful our educators are and ways we can show our appreciation for each other.  Last week the focus was on E- effort. This week we will shift to the next letter- A- actions . There is an old saying "actions speak louder than words." While I believe that educators' words are very powerful and influential, I also know that teachers show acts of selflessness and love for their students everyday. Their actions demonstrate this clearly. Teachers know their students the best and what their needs are. They do not hesitate to buy their students snacks, school supplies, or even a winter coat. Teachers listen to their students, provide them with words of encouragement and comfort. Teachers notice when their student doesn't feel well, or needs extra support. They take the actions necessary to provide their students w Appreciation Month, Part #2

It's Teacher Appreciation Month! I know that most only celebrate a week, but In my opinion, educators deserve more than a week to be recognized. Let's celebrate all month with the acronym T.E.A.C.H to focus on an area where teachers should be recognized for all they do! Last week the focus was on T- time. This week, let's move to E- effort. Effort- a vigorous or determined attempt.  Educators are quintessentially synonymous with effort. To most, the words "vigorous" and "determined" might be what stands out most. To me it's the word "attempt." Teachers know that they won't always be successful. Not every lesson will be captivating, there will be students who struggle to understand a topic, and of course, we will forget to complete something or not write something on our calendar. What matters is the attempt was made. Effort is attempt, and the will to keep trying even when things don't go right.  Everyday, teachers choose to say &q

T.E.A.C.H er Appreciation Month, Part #1

Welcome to Teacher Appreciation Month educator friends! For most places there is a week designated to teacher appreciation, but I vote we celebrate all month! With that in mind, let's celebrate with the acronym T.E.A.C.H. Each week I'll focus on a different letter and what makes educators unique and essential to our world. Today let's start with "T" for Time . Time is one of the most valuable things that we have. We all know that it cannot be bought, exchanged, or given back once it is gone. Teachers know this better than anyone because of the amount of time they spend on work for the profession. From lesson plans, reports, reading, spreadsheets, videos.... and the list goes on, teachers can easily spend hours in their classroom or at home working on things that need to be completed. This is all to better serve their students, schools, and the community.  It's often difficult for teachers to choose between personal time for themselves and doing something that