
Showing posts from January, 2022

New Thoughts for a New Year

 Happy New Year fellow educators! I know what you must be thinking... here is another "inspirational fad blog post" to get me going for the new year that I'll skim through and see the same thing as I did in all the other blogs I visit.  Maybe for some of you, my blog might slip into that category, but I can promise that is not my intention. My goal here is to give you a few brief thinking points to bring with you in your "teacher bag" as the new year starts.  Technically, it is NOT a new year for us. Our academic year is about mid-way through, and for us, September is when we get our fresh start. So what to do with resolutions? Here are my thoughts; if you want to make one great! If not, guess what?!? That's OK TOO! As teachers we reflect daily on our practice, review data, and make informed decisions when it comes to instruction. Then we think creatively and put our ideas into action in order to achieve a certain goal, provide more support, and increase ove