The Only Thing to Fear...

 Hello friends! Welcome back! I hope you had a chance to enjoy the holiday weekend. I took a much needed break from writing so I could focus on other things, both related to teaching and not. I recently began my practicum (round two,) with IMSE, and to be honest, it's more intense than I anticipated! Feeling overwhelmed and needing time to get situated was my source of inspiration for my blog today. I want to be vulnerable with you because we all have things that make us stressed as teachers, and I'm not an exception to this by any means.

This particular year I am starting my practicum work for my dyslexia specialist certification. Last year‘s experience was great and I had a lot more confidence because I had already experienced teaching these methods for many years. I am glad I went through the experience to become a C-SLDI (Certified Structured Literacy Dyslexia Interventionist.) But for me, I knew I didn't want to stop there. 

 Now that I am completing the second part, I have to work with two students as apposed to one, they are older, and I have to do more advanced concepts in morphology. If you’re not sure what morphology is please take the time to research it because it is totally fascinating! In a nutshell, morphology is the study of the smallest units of language that have meaning. This includes prefixes, suffixes, Anglo-Saxon as well as Latin and Greek bases. Having only taken a four day training, I'm worried I won't know the routines and the concepts well enough to deliver them with fidelity. 

I’ve been sharing with some educator friends of mine that I have been feeling out of my comfort zone. Everyone keeps ensuring me that I’m going to make it through, and my coach is supportive. She ensured me that she will help me through the process. Not only does this emphasize the importance of good mentoring and coaching, (which could be a whole other inspiration post,) but it raises this very important question: Why am I afraid? I thought about this for a bit and realized I know this answer.. because I’m afraid of failing- plain and simple. I think this is natural and we should not dismiss our feelings. We are certainly allowed to feel afraid, but we should not let fear get in our way of our success! It can be our worst obstacle and the hardest to overcome. 

As a teacher, I tell my students when work is hard they have to take on the challenge. I remind them if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. So, why am I not reminding myself of this more often? Part of this goes back to my point before; having a great support system mentors, and a coach in your corner are keys to our achievement and working through our toughest times as teachers. Likewise, I need to face my fear and take my own advice, and I encourage you to do the same. I want you to think: What is some thing that you are afraid of? What are some things that you find challenging and hesitate to work on or learn? We need to be there to support one another and encourage each other. If I am the first person to say this today, then I hope you needed to hear this and take it to heart: I am here for you friends! I support you and believe in you. 

So as I take my first steps next week in my second practicum session, I want you all to take your first steps for something that you’ve been wanting to try and learn or discover for yourself! Remember that in the big picture, we are all in this together; we have to travel together on our learning journeys. It’s what’s going to make us grow and be better not only for ourselves but for students. So let’s embrace the challenge this upcoming week and let’s get started together!

Final thoughts: Keep considering what your fears are and how you can overcome them. Keep searching for educator friends you could offer encouragement to. Keep seeking out the support of others- it's ok to admit you need it. Keep reminding yourself that your biggest obstacle can be your own fear, and that isn't something you should let get in the way of you and all your future success! 


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