Inspiration for inSpiration: Where it All Started

 Welcome to October Friends! We made it through the first month of school, and there's a lot to look forward to this fall. I've taken some time today to reflect on the first month of school and how it has been so far. I've also taken notes on what I liked and what worked and what I need to adjust as we head into the next month. I also have to be patient with myself and realize that I can't get everything done right away. I have a lot of ideas about things I'd like to start, but time and patience is the way.

On the other hand I also know that in order to see my ideas come to life, I have to actually begin

Recently someone asked me: How did I get started writing a blog and share a weekly inspiration post? Frankly, I didn't remember at first, but then I thought about something I heard and learned from the John Maxwell Leadership podcast. When someone told him that they wanted to write a book, he asked them, "what have you written so far?" They said “nothing.” If you want to be published the first thing you need to do is... write! I then remembered that for the longest time I wanted to publish articles and eventually a book for education. So I began to search for opportunities and places I could submit my articles. I even teamed up with my co-teacher to publish an article. Thankfully I’ve had these articles published already, however, I realized that I can't just stop there. if I want to continue with this work, I need to continue to write! 

Since I enjoy sharing my advice, experiences, and what I read and hear with others, the idea of inSpiration Sunday was born. Tied into a weekly email idea I once did a few years ago for KDP, I figured, let's try this what's the worst that can happen? Even if just one person read my blog and got one idea from it, the purpose was served. Doing this also gives me the practice I need for my writing work. 

This week, let’s think about the one or two things we say “I want to do___” and take the very first step (which is the hardest,) to get there. If you want to publish a book or article someday, get the keyboard or pen ready. If you want to create a new game series for math review lessons- hop on Kahoot! If you want to design lesson plan templates for TPT, look up how one other creator got started. If you want to create your own blog, well then blog! That’s all you need to do friends- one first step. John Maxwell shares that things won’t appear on paper until we start to write, and he is correct. We need to be the ones to get started and turn our ideas into first steps. 

The truth is, I don’t always know what to write about here each week, but I do know that the more I write, the better I will become at it. Sometimes I simply begin to write and see where my ideas take me. I also welcome ideas from all of you, and often I use one quote, conversation, questions, or thought to lead my way for writing. So friends what is gong to lead your way this week? Let’s get moving forward... together!

Final Thoughts- Keep taking those small steps toward your goal you wish to achieve. Keep listening to and reading the work of others to help you feel inspired. Keep your momentum up for whatever it is you are working on- stamina is key. Finally, keep your mind open to new opportunities, you never know where they will lead you. 

*This weekend is a holiday break. I want to walk the walk and talk the talk when I speak of the importance of breaks for us educators so in that spirit, I'll be taking a break and I'll be back the following week! * 


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