T.E.A.C.H.er Appreciation Month, Part #2

It's Teacher Appreciation Month! I know that most only celebrate a week, but In my opinion, educators deserve more than a week to be recognized. Let's celebrate all month with the acronym T.E.A.C.H to focus on an area where teachers should be recognized for all they do!

Last week the focus was on T- time. This week, let's move to E- effort.

Effort- a vigorous or determined attempt. Educators are quintessentially synonymous with effort. To most, the words "vigorous" and "determined" might be what stands out most. To me it's the word "attempt." Teachers know that they won't always be successful. Not every lesson will be captivating, there will be students who struggle to understand a topic, and of course, we will forget to complete something or not write something on our calendar. What matters is the attempt was made. Effort is attempt, and the will to keep trying even when things don't go right. 

Everyday, teachers choose to say "yes" to making a difference. They give so much of themselves to ensure their students have what they need and receive the best instruction possible. They act as role models and show that effort, the attempt, can and will get you far, even if you fail. Effort comes in many forms for teachers; arriving early, staying late, completing hours of work at home, researching and reading, staying up-to-date with best practices, and taking risks of trying something new in the classroom. The level of effort is what makes educators stand out, and although it's tiring, the rewards are worth it. If you've ever trained for something, be it a marathon, weightlifting, or a sport, you know that the goal is worth all the sacrifice and effort. 

For teachers, the goal is a brighter future where students feel confident and empowered to make a difference themselves and succeed, while showing their students that every failed attempt is one step closer to victory. The sacrifice and effort for this may never stop such as when a game is over or the finish line is crossed because the event for teachers is continuous, but knowing they have an impact on the future is the fuel they need to keep the effort up. Putting students' needs before their own, teachers are willing to go the extra mile because it will mean something great for the young learners in their classrooms. 

During Teacher Appreciation Month, let's take some time to notice the efforts of ourselves, colleagues, and even educators we don't know. Take a moment to reflect on their efforts, thank them, and harness them by letting them know it is well worth it and meaningful to everyone.

Final Thoughts: Keep thanking the educators in your life; be it yourself, colleagues, neighbors, family, friends- they could always use that boost. Keep putting in the effort- no matter what it looks like, it is worth it. Keep your students at the heart of your efforts- we owe that to our future! Keep in mind that even a failed attempt is still trying, and that can make all the difference. 


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