T.E.A.C.H er Appreciation Month, Part #1

Welcome to Teacher Appreciation Month educator friends! For most places there is a week designated to teacher appreciation, but I vote we celebrate all month! With that in mind, let's celebrate with the acronym T.E.A.C.H. Each week I'll focus on a different letter and what makes educators unique and essential to our world. Today let's start with "T" for Time.

Time is one of the most valuable things that we have. We all know that it cannot be bought, exchanged, or given back once it is gone. Teachers know this better than anyone because of the amount of time they spend on work for the profession. From lesson plans, reports, reading, spreadsheets, videos.... and the list goes on, teachers can easily spend hours in their classroom or at home working on things that need to be completed. This is all to better serve their students, schools, and the community. 

It's often difficult for teachers to choose between personal time for themselves and doing something that makes a difference for their students. Many ask us "why work when you're not getting paid?" "Is that really something you have to do?" "How important is that?" "Can't you do that during the day?" "Why put in all this effort when it's not appreciated?" Some teachers have mastered the art and science to answering this question, while others continue to search for a worthy comeback. Well here's mine: If we (teachers) don't put in the time to help our students, who will? It's a matter of having the courage to make the hard choice and choosing them over yourself. Now please believe me, I do not advocate that teachers do this all the time; we not only need but deserve to utilize the power of the word "no" and put ourselves first. If we don't no one else will. But I do know that what we do brings us joy and therefore we don't mind spending time on things that are worth it. 

Where I often hear teachers feel differently is when we are expected to spend time on things we know won't make a difference to our students. For example; is it necessary to analyze the same data three different ways, write it on four different spreadsheets when we could be capitalizing on that time to create dynamic and interactive lessons? Teachers are the biggest influence on whether or not a student is successful, and that my friends takes time. 

This month, let's honor teachers for all their time spent working diligently on their lessons, grading, creating projects, reading, researching, and continuing their journey of lifelong learning. The profession of teaching is in fact lifelong, and that is a long time. Educators deserve the recognition that they answered "yes" to this calling, one that will occupy most of their time throughout their life. Whether you are a teacher or someone special in your life is one, let's thank each other as teachers, and/or thank the educators in your life for all they do. Now that is time well spent!

Final Thoughts: Keep telling yourself that your time is well spent when it's on something you love and makes a difference. Keep the idea alive that your time impacts the future. Keep taking time for your- you've earned it! Finally, keep spending your time well by noticing the work of others and acknowledging them for all the wonderful things they do! 


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