Launching Sunday inSpiraton: Preview!

 I recently decided that I was going to do something special for my fellow teacher friends on Sundays. Although I wish I could do a grand gesture such as magically grade their papers or write their lesson plans for all of them, I'm aware that I have my own to conquer, and that's plenty for one person! I've decided that on Sunday I'm going to share a little bit of inspiration with the teaching community, and I hope that it reaches many teachers who need it. I'm calling it "inSpiration Sunday." 

I recently heard on a podcast The Jeff Bradbury show, that often times the greatest idea starts off, well quite messy... and if we have an idea, we need to simply put it out there and try it. Work on it, tweak it, and see how it develops and changes over time. With that spirit in mind, I decided to express my thoughts in my Sunday post. Right now I don't have a specific direction or topic, but rather I'm simply speaking what's on my heart and mind through it, or I reflect on the past week and what stood out to me. I'm thinking sometimes I'll focus on our work as teachers with our students, other times I'll focus on empowering us as educational professionals. I know there are many times I need that booster myself! 

Check out my post on Facebook: Leana Malinowsky, Instagram and Twitter: @MsMalinowsky, and here's a sneak preview! 

Thoughts and ideas are always appreciated here or on social media. 


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