Podcast Review: Deconstructing the Rope

 I must admit that it wasn't until recently that I learned about Scarborogh's Rope through the podcast The Science of Reading. Now that I've been an active listener and I've also searched for more information, I can confidently say that this is concept is one I will continue to learn about. 

My first encounter with it was while listening to Season 3, Episode Three- Deconstructing the Rope: Decoding with Lousia Moats. Simply put, Scarborogh's Rope represents the different aspects/skills of reaching that when twisted together allow one to be a proficient reader. 

One of the strands that was the topic focus of this particular episode was decoding. Being one of my favorite topics, I figured this would be a great place to start to learn more about the rope and how all of the concepts are pulled together. 

One of the things Moats shared was: "that 50% of the words in spoken English are decodable if you know the phoneme grapheme correspondences. You can spell another 34% in addition with one error (usually on the vowel) another 10% if you know morpheme structures and the way morphemes are spelled take into account the origin of the word or language in which it came from etymology." 

This to me stands out as one of the many reasons why younger students need to have the proper time to learn through structured literacy. They need explicit instruction in these areas to succeed with this strand. If this strand is not attained properly, the others will literally unravel. Both decoding and encoding need to have occupancy in our teaching time, yet many school districts and programs leave this area up to chance while students read and attempt to figure it out alone. There of course will be some who can learn how to read and spell words on their own, but as a teacher,  I'd prefer to be the support that student needs in his or her learning. 

I am very excited to listen to more episodes of the podcast to take a deep dive into Scarborogh's Rope and learn what the specialists have to say. Who's ready to jump in with me and learn more? Go download the podcast, research, and get excited with me to include this in your repertoire! 

Final Thoughts: My goal for this blog was to share out quickly the concept, resources, and starter information, let's keep up the learning together! Keep the passion for reading, keep advocating for structured literacy!

Resource: Here is a great link to use to begin your own search on Scarborogh's Rope!


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