New Approaches to Former Ways

This evening was a highlight for me. Although I wish I could say it included some form of adult beverage and fireworks at Epcot followed by extra magic hours at the Magic Kingdom, it didn't. However,  it was a close second. I had the privilege of meeting with my KDP chapter leadership team and our RCC to discuss plans for starting our academic year.  Granted this was a last-minute meeting with minimal prep, one would have thought it was a well planned example meeting for other chapters to witness what true collaboration, brainstorming, and decision making looked like. Secretly at one point I wished we would've recorded our session!

There is no doubt that this upcoming year will present its challenges, but I received confirmation today that this team, my team, our team will be ready, and continue to deliver effective programing to our current/alumni members, and future initiates. Faced with last-minute changes, the leadership team had to re-invent the wheel for some of the requirements for membership into our chapter. Together with our RCC, not only was the problem solved, but we also gained new ideas and perspectives for how to offer options to members in the future. The possibilities are endless! We found ourselves in a moment where we asked "Why didn't we think of this before?"

I purposefully choose to be vague here since our plans are still working items that are not absolute yet, and as every day poses new changes, we are ready to amend as necessary. What I can say is that when a team functions as one unit, respects each other's voices, and each member is active instead of passive, the obstacle, and size of it in front does not matter, because success will conquer. As a leader, I could not have been more proud as I was this evening when I participated in a meeting that not only met that criteria, but exceeded it. What's better than seeing your leaders want to be in a meeting, and channel their energy devotedly to the question at hand? (Ah ha, thought so... not much outshines that!) I personally enjoyed hearing everyone's thoughts in an organized way so the discussion continued, yet we all knew when to insert a joke, reflect on a short story, or ask a semi-related question that once again could spark ideas for the future. 

Leaders owe it to themselves and their team to create the magic in meetings, projects, etc., and keep the energy up for the group. I can honestly say all of my leaders embrace this notion! Positivity is contagious, and plans help ease the anxiety of the unknown. We triumphantly embraced both this evening when making these difficult decisions. What's more is, I know we will continue this stride throughout the year... and of all years, this is the one we need it most! 

So, short, sweet, simple, proud.... I'm beaming for sure! #proudAssociateCounselor

Final thoughts: challenge brings change, but change also arrives with challenges, keep working together, keep creating, keep being wonderful, keep learning... from each other! 


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