All I Know...

Wow,  can we pause for a moment to reflect today? Yes, I'm feeling it too... tired, excited, inspired, hopeful. That's what you get for PD-ing yourself all day. (Yes I turned PD into a verb!) It was a long day in front of the computer, however, one of the most worthwhile days I've had in quite some time. Truthfully, the webinars I attended in April were pretty much attached to a race car in my brain, zipped and buzzed around the track, and came to an abrupt halt at the finish line where the press was waiting with their microphones anxiously asking me "how does it feel?" What was my reaction you ask? "Did I even win?" 

I did attend other webinars and livestream sessions with some of my favorite organizations even after the "April race" that sent us merrily on our way to nowhere in particular. Some of these include IDA, KDP, and Learning at the Primary Pond. It wasn't until today however, I actually felt like a real teacher, with real and valuable learning that applied to me. Now, don't get me wrong, this is not to dismiss that I literally started working from early this morning until late in the evening (which as caused a headache and eye strain.) Despite these negative effects, I cannot bring myself to regret the decision of starting this learning journey today, because it taught  me so many things. 

Strangely enough, many of the session themes circled around the concept of connections, even through distance learning. And you know what? I did feel a sense of connection. Watching other educators present topics they are passionate about, showing techniques for creating anchor charts, speaking about their students and how their experiences of remote learning were this school year allowed me to exhale. I knew my friends and colleagues were experiencing similar feelings as I was, but to know that educators from all over silently connected on this invisible level was uplifting. 

Finally, I also admit that the courses I have to take in the ISTE  summer learning academy are more intense than I anticipated, I've been introduced to platforms, blogs, and plenty of articles that are useful. Who knew that so many leaders in education dashed so quickly down the publication path in effort to help others navigate remote learning? 

Now as my eyes slowly drift away from my screen, longing to read a chapter in my book before I fall asleep, I realize the day has long last come to a close. The good news is that there is plenty more learning this week for Teach Your Heart Out conference, ASCD, and ISTE. 
On to the next learning segment!

Final Thoughts: Stay connected, stay motivated, keep your goals in mind and stay awake! 


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