Path Perspectives; We Don't do it Alone

Today was one of reflection for me. I admit that I wasn't able to accomplish most of the tasks on my to-do list, and although it agitated my type- A personality and need for organization, I know my time was spent well supporting my own need of re-energizing so I can continue to plow forward and inspire others. 

I feel as teachers it's our compelling nature to uplift those around us; our students, their families, and of course, each other. I've been blessed to have a great support system around me through both the best moments and my lowest, but every so often, human nature sets in and I loose sight of that. Never does it fail that when I am down, someone is there to uplift me. Whether it be my colleagues at school or my fellow Kadelpians, the kinship is real. 

To serve people takes dignity and intelligence. The certitude that teachers manage to serve a wide-range of people is perhaps the most resonating aspect of who they are, and what they do. I've felt for the longest time that being a teacher requires an inner spark that one day ignites out of nowhere, propelling one's mind and spirit to connect on a deep level that makes a clear vision they are meant to be in education. Like a calling that cannot be ignored, it is with confidence I can attest that only the greatest are selected for the call... and respond. 

Even the best at what they do face challenges, obstacles, and paralyzing moments that set them back inches, feet, and perhaps miles. Although I consider myself to be a relentless optimist, there are moments that I have regrets and wish I would've taken different turns on my learning path. It's a constant work in progress to keep reminding ourselves that what defines us is how well we rise after we fall. Putting our choices and decisions into perspective means accepting that they happened, but confirming that there's always possibility to grow and make up for them. Using this theory as a launchpad can set our expectations high, and increase our stamina.

I recently "discovered" a new way to look at my choices that can be classified as mistakes; sometimes we are forced in directions we ought to have found for ourselves... and recognizing the stress and frustration that is part of the package deal is non-refundable. Turning around however, can lead to new perspectives that shed light on new approaches to traditional things that need attended too, and sometimes, you might find yourself asking later, "why did I ever do it the 'old' way before?" This natural progression is what deems people exceptional and makes some unsurpassed and constantly moving forward regardless of the new puzzle waiting to be pieced together. 

What matters is the support around us that lifts us up and helps us project back on track with where we want to be and what goals we want to reach. Nothing is impossible with the right systems in place to keep us focused, and eventually, pay it forward to someone else who needs redirection. 

Continue to support one another, and focus forward.


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