
Showing posts from January, 2024

Teacher Leadership Mini-Series: F.E.E.D the Teacher Leader in You! Part #1: Foundations

Welcome to a new week teacher friends! I am very excited for the next few weeks. This week starts  an introduction mini-series to lead up to the KDP Teacher Leadership Development Summit on 2/24/24. I am particularly excited not just because this is our second annual summit, but because we have an amazing theme selected just for you! Also this: our summit is virtual and free for all so spread the word!  Please visit my social media for information, or reach out to me! So on to our theme...Our theme this year is “Leaders are hungry... F.E.E.D the teacher leader in you!” Each week we will break down F.E.E.D and get excited to hear our amazing presenters and keynote speakers at the summit to give us the fuel we need to confidently lead in our classrooms, schools, and beyond! What is F.E.E.D? F- foundations, E- engagement, E-elevate, D- discover.  Let’s start with “F”- foundations. This is open ended and can contain so many possibilities! When I think of foundations, what co...

The Four "R's" for Teachers

 Welcome back friends! I hope you're feeling excited and energized from your week. If you're not, and you're looking for some inspiration, have no fear, you're in the right place because I have a treat for you this week. As I was thinking about what to share with all of you, I realized I had my idea with me right from the start. Whenever I'm feeling tired, overwhelmed and disorganized, or just need a pick-me-up. I turn to my trusted four "R's."  This week is a great time to embrace the four “R’s” to help us continue through the new year and work on our challenges and boost our energy. In order to continue to grow as teachers (and leaders!) it’s important to: reflect, reset, reignite, and reframe . Each of these helps us to be in the right mindset to think of where we are in our learning journey, and what our goals are. Each one affects the other and together they can make a difference to us as teachers. Reflect: Even when we don’t think we are, educat...

inSpiration Mini-Series: Breaking the Habit Part #5, The Journey's End

 Welcome back my friends! It seems like we've been together for a long time in this mini-series with all the holiday breaks, but I a way, I'm glad. The extended time has given me the opportunity to genuinely reflect on my progress with each of the recommended steps toward breaking a habit, and to be honest with myself if I've tried it or not. There were times where I didn't get a chance to think about it much, however, the opportunities I did get allowed me to dive deeper into each step and work on it with a full heart and mind. I hope the time has done the same for you. We want to start to eliminate negative thinking about whatever goal we have and challenge we've faced. Since it doesn't happen overnight, perhaps the timing is more fitting than I anticipated!  This week, let’s dive into the fifth and final way we can break some of the negative habits we’ve developed and explore new ones that will add to our positive energy. We learned these steps so far to hel...

inSpiration Mini-Series: Breaking the Habit Part #4

Happy new year teacher friends! As I always say, this is our second "new year" celebration- a time for our mid-year check in to adjust goals, start or make new ones, and develop positive habits that will help us overcome challenges along the way!  This week, let’s dive into the fourth way we can break some of the negative habits we’ve developed and explore new ones that will add to our positive energy, especially with the entrance of the new year...we are all ready for our fresh start! To review what we've been talking about so far in our mini-series, we know that to break bad habits we should try to 1- avoid tempting situations, 2- replace unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones, and 3- prepare mentally. Next, we need to enlist the support of others, which as educators should not be a strange concept. There are many times and situations when I've heard to lean on others. We are always told to network and foster relationships with others, but this can be a challenge in ...