Teacher Leadership Mini-Series: F.E.E.D the Teacher Leader in You! Part #1: Foundations
Welcome to a new week teacher friends! I am very excited for the next few weeks. This week starts an introduction mini-series to lead up to the KDP Teacher Leadership Development Summit on 2/24/24. I am particularly excited not just because this is our second annual summit, but because we have an amazing theme selected just for you! Also this: our summit is virtual and free for all so spread the word! Please visit my social media for information, or reach out to me! So on to our theme...Our theme this year is “Leaders are hungry... F.E.E.D the teacher leader in you!” Each week we will break down F.E.E.D and get excited to hear our amazing presenters and keynote speakers at the summit to give us the fuel we need to confidently lead in our classrooms, schools, and beyond! What is F.E.E.D? F- foundations, E- engagement, E-elevate, D- discover. Let’s start with “F”- foundations. This is open ended and can contain so many possibilities! When I think of foundations, what co...