Final Countdown 1....
This is our final countdown week teacher friends! It's gone by fast, but yet we learned so much together this year. Just like our students, we had a lot of challenges and successes this year, and we can use both to help propel us forward. As we prepare our last few days together we also have one more bag to pack for the summer. Now that we packed reflection and relationships, let's pack up one last thing: courage. Perhaps of all three, this is the one we should bring in our carry on, instead of tucking it away in the check-on bag. We need to have it readily on hand at all times, just in case. You never know when you'll need to open the bag and need a bit of extra courage. This summer, let's have the courage to allow ourselves to have it, embrace it, and use it to our advantage. There is so much we can do with our courage, and we can use it for ourselves, and even others. We should use courage to think about all the lessons that went very well and and acknowledge that