Sailing Back in Summer: Rebounding from Break

 Greetings Friends! It's been a while since my last post. I've been on some teaching adventures that I hope will further develop my practice as an educator, skills as a teacher leader, and continue to expand my ideas for reaching other teachers. I'm excited to be back for the preparation time before school starts and hope to inspire you as you start to think about your classroom, students, and what your goals are. 

Let's start at the very beginning (as the song goes, it's a very good place to start...) And the beginning may not be where you think. It's not at selecting your new classroom theme colors or ordering stationary. It's not even at labeling name tags for your new students. The first step takes place right now in the summer with self-care. I know what you're thinking, another blog with self-care tips. Not here! I'm not an expert on telling others what to do for self-care, and frankly I don't think anyone is qualified to tell us what our preferences are, or how to care for ourselves. 

Sometimes just sitting outside or going for a walk is how I've come up with some of my best ideas for the classroom! Take some time to think and let your imagination roam free! Want to write ideas in a notebook? Go for it! Want to type a list? Why not? Use your time the way you feel it's best suited and directed. 

I've heard many times that disconnecting is something we should do as part of our self-care routine. While I whole heartedly agree, I also don't undermine the fact that while we are at the beach, mowing the lawn or shopping, we can have a spark of genius enter our minds. Why disregard that as well? Finding the balance is always the hardest part, and I admit that it's hard for me to "unplug" from my work as a teacher because I love it. I've also discovered that channeling my energy and thoughts into other activities will also support me with what I want to do as a teacher. I'm not afraid to take time during my day to think, plan and dream about my goals for the upcoming year. During the summer, it's important to limit that work and spread the wealth to other areas in our lives, but it's not wrong to be dedicated! 

My last recommendation is (of course) to read. Books, blogs or journal articles (oh my!)... it doesn't make a difference, but it will keep you on top of your game with best practices and the latest in our profession. To me, there is no better way to disconnect while staying tuned in at the same time. 

So what are you waiting for? We still have time left this summer to focus on us, and let our ides flow too... let's keep sailing! 

Final Thoughts: Keep prioritizing what makes you happy. Keep reading, thinking, and brainstorming. Keep in mind taking time for yourself is not selfish, it's a way of recharging your brain to make room for new amazing ideas! 


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