Making, Minding, and Maintaining Motivation
Greetings teacher friends! It's great to have you back for this blog post! This month, inSpiration Sunday has been centered around the concept of motivation. I've been reading, listening about, and discussing this topic lately, which is why I wanted to reflect on it here. For the longest time, I wanted to learn how I can motivate the leadership teams I belong to and lead. I have been eager to learn how I can show them the changes and vision I see, and why it would benefit the group as well the goals we have. I want to be the kind of leader that helps others on the team feel valued, appreciated, and want to work. The podcasts I've been listening to by John Maxwell (The Leader Who Motivates) have changed the way I view motivation. I've also been learning a lot in my Literacy Leadership Mentorship as we read the book High Road Leadership by John. I see that leaders first have to be motivated themselves in order to influence others. It's important as leaders we find...