Always Let Growth be the Goal!
Greetings teacher friends! Welcome to another week of my blog. I'm very excited to share my thoughts on the ideas posted on inSpiration Sunday about growth and goals. My last few weekly quotes have been focused on growth vs. goals. I admit that this idea was new to me until I heard John Maxwell's podcast. I always thought that having goals was not only natural, but the sign of a strong leader who is ambitious and inspirational. I also thought that achieving goals was always, well, the goal! I learned through the podcast that goals can actually stunt our growth as a leader because it symbolizes and end. As leaders, our work is never done, and we are always seeking growth. Often this can appear like we want to achieve goals, but it's growth that makes the difference. Once I heard that, it all clicked for me. Whenever people ask(ed) me "Why do you do get involved in different groups, and always look for the 'next thing' to do?" I realized that it's not